LYNDHURST Secondary College has been busy preparing its students for life after school.
On Wednesday 26 and 27 March, the school held two activities for Year-9 and 10 students to help ensure they are workforce ready.
On the Wednesday, the Year 9 students were involved in a speed careers dating day where they got to hear about a range of professions and picked the brains of local business people.
The school’s student pathways co-ordinator Frances Fenech said the theme this year was based around skills shortage areas in the future.
“We had representatives from transport and logistics, social media and IT, life planners, government and public service roles, business and marketing just to name a few,” she said.
“We took a look at areas where there might be skills shortages in the future, and took it a bit further by even looking at careers that don’t exist at moment but could in the near future.
“When we ask young people what they want to do after school, a lot of them say very traditional jobs and don’t think about the broad range of what is out there.
“That’s what we tried to focus on.”
On the Thursday the Year 10 students took part in the Beacon best practice interviews activity.
In the lead-up to the day, the students had to pretend they were applying for a job and then were given an interview time.
“They were then interviewed by up to four people on a panel and had to present themselves in a professional manner,” Ms Fenech said.
“It is about preparing them with life skills that we all need some practice in.”
Ms Fenech said the programs would not be possible without the support from local business, and urged anyone who might be able to assist in the future to call her at the school on 5996 0144.