A HALLAM engineering business is proving resilient despite the negative speculation that is clouding the future of the manufacturing industry in Australia.
TRJ Engineering, which turns 40 in 2014, was last year crowned a Casey Business Award winner and continues to be a pioneer in its field of engineering.
Manager David Murphy inherited the business from his father 15 years ago, and has since been pivotal in raising TRJ Engineering’s profile to see it become a leader of manufacturing in Casey.
Mr Murphy said the number of employees at the business had now increased to over 30.
“We build a lot of stuff for the city of Melbourne, including street furniture, truck chassis and earth moving equipment.
“We’re pretty diverse in what we actually do.
“We also design items for customers which has kept us going throughout the years.
“We’ve had to change with the demands of the customer, they usually have an idea of what they want on paper, but they need help, so we take over.”
TRJ Engineering’s range of services has certainly grown over the years and now encompasses laser and guillotine cutting, welding, metal fabrication and brake pressing.
Mr Murphy said 2013 was a tough year for all manufacturers, but he was buoyant about TRJ Engineering’s recovery.
“Last year, everyone took a whack on the chin, but this year we’re well above sales targets and things are going pretty well,” he said.
“We have ongoing contract work, transport related.”
Mr Murphy’s positive business outlook also extended to neighbouring companies in the Hallam industrial area, which, he said, were all overseeing an upturn in the market.
“We’ve now been in Hallam for 17 years, but when we first came in there was no one around, now its thriving, it’s desirable estate,” he said.
“The engineering businesses on this part of the street, on either side of us, all seem to be extremely busy too.”