AN avid reader of the magazine Street Machine since he was a teenager, Daniel Andrews had vowed that one day his car would grace the pages of the ‘horsepower bible’.
Not only did that wish come true for the Devon Meadows car enthusiast this month, but he got one better as his hq Holden one tonne ute made the front cover of the April edition.
“I’ve been reading that magazine ever since I got my learners,” he said.
“I’ve always said to my family and friends ‘one day my car will be there’.
“It was a sort of a dream of mine.
“To get in the magazine was great, let alone the front cover – I never expected that.”
Mr Andrews, 27, started working in his car about four years.
He said he’d “hate to think” how many hours he had worked on building it but was thrilled to finally get it done.
“I got married in November last year and had to get it finished by then,” he said.
“I managed to get it all done two days before the big day and got to drive it to my wedding.
“That was really great for me.”
Since then he has taken the car to two car shows, and won awards at both.
This month, Mr Andrews’ car is one of hundreds entered in the 6th Annual Dandenong Valley Holden Street Car Show to be held in at the Dandenong show grounds on Sunday 6 April.
An initiative and community service project of the Rotary Club of Endeavour Hills, this event is for families and motoring enthusiasts.
Almost 3000 people came to see last year’s show that had some 130 entries for the judges to examine, along with 150 disparate vehicles in the special display only section.
The event, supported by the City of Greater Dandenong and major sponsors, raises funds that the Rotary Club of Endeavour Hills uses to assist the local community and rotary projects.
There will be no remote racing at the show due to the valuable paving space it takes up.
The Dandenong Valley Holden Street Car Show will be held on Sunday 6 April, from 9am to 3pm, at Greaves Reserve, Bennet Street Dandenong.
Cost is $5 for visitors, with children under 16 free.
For more information or an entry form visit www.rotaryendeavourhills.org.au or search ‘Dandenong Valley All Holden Car Show’ on Facebook.