Another invisible man

We refer to the letter from Prasad Phillip (News, Socially Speaking, 20 March).
Can Mr Phillip really be referring to the same councillor Geoff Ablett we have known for years?
The man who rarely, if ever, answers his ratepayer funded mobile phone.
Who hasn’t reponded to our requests for a call back.
Who, on one memorable, and expensive (for us), occasion, left the same mobile phone switched on with the recorded message “I am currently on the phone. Please ring back in about 10 minutes”, which we did, some 10 or 12 times with the same response, then subsequently discovered that he had spent the entire day learning how to use Casey Council’s computer system.
Requests copies of documents and promises to collect them, but fails to do so.
Promises to follow up on problems and queries but never responds.
While neither of us have ever joined a political party, we usually support right wing politicians because our experience, since 1945, has been that left wing governments are only very good at one thing – squandering tax-payers’ money.
However, if Geoff Ablett remains as the Liberal Party’s endorsed candidate for Cranbourne neither of us will vote Liberal since, in our opinion, he will be no better than the current Labor incumbent, who is known in Cranbourne as The Invisible Man.
Allan and Elizabeth Tully,
Cranbourne East.