Trains on the line

Premier Denis Napthine recently announced a $2 to $2.5 billion investment to transform the Pakenham and Cranbourne railway lines.
The project will increase the carrying capacity of the Cranbourne and Pakenham lines by 30 per cent.
It will involve the purchase of 25 next generation, high capacity trains and replace the old inefficient signalling systems with state-of-the art 21st century signalling.
The technology will enable an increase to 18 services per hour during peak times, amounting to another 2 million passengers per year.
In addition, nine level crossings along both lines will be removed.
Traffic will flow faster and more safely.
It means more trains more often and another 3000 jobs for hard working Victorians.
In addition, we will build a new train maintenance depot at Pakenham East.
This is great news as it will create more sustainable jobs for our community.
Labor promised to improve capacity on these rail lines but failed to deliver.
In contrast, the Victorian Coalition Government is making real improvements in public transport for local residents.
This project is a further stage in the Coalition Government’s vision to provide a 21st century rail service with increased and improved services for eastern Victoria and the south-eastern suburbs.
I am proud to be part of the Victorian Coalition Government that is building a better Victoria.
Brad Battin MP,
Member for Gembrook.