ONE year on from the tragic death of Jared Dunscombe, a fund in his honour was launched last week to ensure the great work he did for the community can continue.
The Cranbourne Rotary club member was killed in February last year, aged 31, when he fell from his bike and was struck by a truck while taking part in the fundraising event Ride to Conference.
On Saturday 22 February, the one year anniversary of his death, the Jared Duncombe Fund was officially launched and the first fundraising event under it was held.
The inaugural event – Walk For Jared – took place at Silvan Reservoir Park where 200 people participated.
An official launch function for the fund was held that night, where the Casey Concert Band performed Jared’s Theme – a piece of music the band put together to remember their former band member.
Jared’s sister Jonelle Colabufalo spoke at the launch and said the fund aimed to keep Jared’s name and spirit alive and continue his good work in helping others.
“Our aim is to use Jared’s determined attitude to continue to inspire us to ensure that we make the Jared Dunscombe Fund a long lasting success and a long term legacy for Jared,” she said.
“We believe that we can change lives with this fund.
“Jared achieved so much in his 31 years, despite the harsh cards that life dealt him.
“He left the world better than he found it, he made a difference and he was an inspiration to so many.”
Mr Dunscombe had once beaten the odds to live after he was hit by a car when he was seven years old and doctors gave him no chance of survival, and if he did, would never be able to walk or talk.
He defied the odds and not only survived but went on to live a quite remarkable life, including completing the Kokoda Trail, the Portsea Swim Classic and the San Remo Channel swim.
He became involved with the Cranbourne Rotaract Club at a young age and was also involved in a group call TRAG – Teenagers Road Accident Group – which saw him visiting schools and speaking to students about the dangers of modern driving.
Ms Colabufalo said all money raised through the fund would support the many community groups, charities and projects that Jared would have supported had he still been alive.
“We will focus on those things that Jared was most passionate about – predominantly children and the disadvantaged, as well as groups which Jared was closely involved in such as TRAG,” she said.
“The first target for the Jared Dunscombe Fund is to raise $20,000 to assist ROMAC with bringing a child to Australia from a developing country who requires a serious operation not accessible to them in their home country.”
Through the walk and launch event, the $20,000 target has almost been reached after the group raised more than $19,198.
To find out more about the fund and upcoming fundraisers, visit www.jaredfund.org.