Online secrets revealed

AN event showcasing how businesses can move into the digital age and maximise on the high speed broadband rollout will be held in Berwick next month.
The Victorian Employers’ Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VECCI), with the support of Casey and the Federal Government, is hosting a free live stage event to promote the rollout of high speed broadband in south east regions of Melbourne.
The event – Secrets of Aussie Online Entrepreneurs – will showcase leading online entrepreneurs and provide business owners with tips on how to create, build and sell an online business.
The seminar will also inform businesses on how they can take full advantage of the opportunities that high speed broadband will offer.
The event will be held at Monash University Berwick Campus on Thursday 27 February, from 6pm to 9pm.
To book a seat at the stage event visit or call 8662 5333.