Cash splash for camps

Freemasons Victoria Board of Benevolence vice- president Bernard Henry presents a cheque to Shannon Smith and Diane Gilbert, from the Casey branch of Southern Cross Kids Camp. 110278 Picture: MEAGAN ROGERS

THE Lawson Poole Daylight Lodge has made a generous donation that will make a difference to the lives of Casey youths.
At the Cranbourne group’s Christmas luncheon in December, two cheques worth a total of $2500 were presented to the Casey branch of Southern Cross Kids Camp.
Lawson Poole Daylight Lodge’s donation of $1250 was matched by Freemasons Victoria Board of Benevolence whose vice president Bernard Henry presented the cheques.
Mr Henry said it was a pleasure to represent the Board of Benevolence and pass the donations on to a well and worthy recipient.
Diane Gilbert from Southern Cross Kids Camp Casey thanked the two donating parties for their generosity and said the money would enable them to send five disadvantaged youths from high-risk backgrounds on its annual camps.
The camps are aimed at children who have never experienced a carefree environment where they feel safe.
They aim to give children and teenagers the chance to experience that through camps, where they get to take part in a range of activities to have fun and make friends.