THE generosity of the Casey community has helped two local support services to keep up with the demand from those less fortunate this Christmas.
Cranbourne and Casey North Information and Support Services (CISS) has been inundated with donations from businesses and organisations in the lead up to Christmas which have then been distributed to those in need of assistance.
Cranbourne CISS manager Leanne Petrides said there had been a significant increase in demand for their services in the past month.
“Most people are coming in for assistance for Christmas celebrations, with food and toys,” she said.
“We have also been seeing between five and 10 families a day for our Back to School support program.
“Often people don’t think of the additional pressure families find themselves under this time of year with school costs for the new year.”
Ms Petrides said the generous support from the local community has helped them keep up with the demand as much as possible.
“It’s this time of year that we are fortunate enough to again see the amazing generosity of people who live in this local area, who believe in supporting those who need it most,” she said.
Casey North CISS manager Susan Magee said it was a similar case at her facility.
“There has been an increase in demand, with more than 200 families for the Christmas assistance program so far and still going,” she said.
“The increase can be attributed to continued increase in population and households finding it really hard to keep up with rising costs of private rental, utility bills and general cost of living and no similar increase in their income.”
Ms Magee said the community support had kept CISS members inspired.
“It is our aim to make sure that there is a gift from Santa for all children 12 and under and that all families have a special meal on Christmas Day,” she said.
Ms Petrides urged members of the community to continue to donate in any way they could because the Christmas assistance program relied on donations.
After Christmas, families which are struggling to pay for school costs might be eligible for a no-interest loan of up to $800 as part of their loan scheme by the services.
Anyone who wants more information on how to donate or the services on offer can call Casey North CISS on 9705 6699 or Cranbourne CISS on 5996 3333.