A different name is just one of the many changes the Casey Netball Association has undergone, with many more on the way.
Previously known as the Cranbourne South West Netball Association, the organisation is about to enter its 60th year and the dedicated committee members are thrilled to boast more than 3000 members.
After initial challenges in changing the name, the new title was introduced at the annual general meeting this year and an update on the logo was also agreed upon.
Long-time committee member Debbie Schramm, who has been part of the association for more than 20 years, said the organisation is renewing itself.
“We wanted to change the name so we could come in line with the City of Casey, council and the area,” she said.
“It’s to better represent the area and where our netballers are coming from – we have had a reinvention and are updating everything.”
The Casey Netball Association is in the top five largest associations across Victoria and has more than 400 teams.
Ms Schramm said she can remember when the association first began and the netball games took place at a local racecourse, with a few teams playing in the betting ring.
“They would have never imagined it would have grown as big as it has,” she said.
The netball group now runs out of the Casey Leisure Centre and committee members from the Casey Netball association rejoiced at the announcement that the complex would receive an update.
“We were outgrowing our stadium,” Ms Schramm said.
“But it got funding from the State Government and there will be another four courts, a new entrance and car park.”
Ms Schramm said everyone on the committee is excited about a partnership with Netball Victoria and the City of Casey.
“We are hoping these partnerships really take off and become prominent,” she said.
Ms Schramm said the group is also eagerly anticipating the celebration of its 60th anniversary in June next year, which will tie in with a huge rejuvenation to the association.
“We are excited about the new change,” she said.
“It’s like a new starting point for the association.”