WESTFIELD Fountain Gate was a sea of yellow earlier this month as volunteers from the shopping centre and Yooralla celebrated Giveability Day.
Giveability Day is celebrated in July and December by Westfield Shopping Centres nationwide, with Fountain Gate raising money for their specific partner Yooralla Children’s Services.
Throughout the day 55,030 people attended and got involved with the face painting, stilt walking, balloon modelling, sausage sizzle and the champagne bar.
The petting zoo was a definite hit, while many Christmas shoppers also donated gifts to Yooralla, which were wrapped by volunteers on the day.
Helping out at Westfield Fountain Gate on Giveability Day, Saturday 7 December were 15 volunteers, including five from Yooralla and the rest from the shopping centre’s management team.
Fox FM broadcasted live from the centre during the events and 50 people won Village Gold Class tickers throughout the day.