CRANBOURNE Bowling Club is ensuring that people of all abilities can enjoy the sport during the warmer months.
The club has held two ‘all abilities’ bowls days in October and November, with plans to hold them monthly during summer, so people with a disability can join in the fun.
Cranbourne Bowling Club secretary Fritz Helle said they ran the program last year, and decided to do it again due to its success.
“The Cranbourne Bowling Club is proudly presenting itself as a community club,” he said.
“The first all ability day for the new 2013/14 season was on Thursday 10 October.
“About 35 participants plus carers and volunteers from the club were on the Green, all wearing a new orange sunhat.
“The club very much appreciates the assistance of the City of Casey with a community grant to cover the cost of the hats.
“The bright colour of the hats helped to provide an atmosphere of fun and sense of togetherness.”
For more information about the events email crannybowls@bigpond.com