By Jarrod Potter
CASEY’S favourite Cavalier can’t wait to become a Vandal.
Cranbourne basketball rising star Renae Mokrzycki, 20, has signed her intent to join the University of Idaho women’s basketball team for her junior and senior years of college, making the switch from North Idaho College at the end of the current season.
The talented forward said the University of Idaho scouted her out and wanted her to sign early to make it official.
“They (University of Idaho scouts) came to a training session and said they will keep an eye on me because they thought I had improved since last season,” Mokrzycki said.”Then they came to a couple scrimmages and said they want me to sign with them early.
“When I went on a visit they brought me in like I was already part of the team and having that sense of security is very important.
“I wanted to make sure that I get on well with the coaches and girls before I made any big decision and The Vandals did that.”
The move means Mokrzycki will play in the National Collegiate Athletics Association’s (NCAA) Division 1 women’s basketball competition – the best standard of competition in the college system, a challenge she is eager to undertake.
“Unbelievable is an understatement,” she said.”I’m so grateful and happy to be thinking that I will be continuing my basketball career in a Division One Uni.
“Everything has happened so quickly first with starting ‘Juco’ (junior college) now signing to a Division One Uni early is simply mind blowing and I couldn’t have asked for a better pathway.”
In the mean-time Mokrzycki is on fire playing for North Idaho, snaring 11 points and 14 rebounds in the Cardinals 72-58 win over Casper College.