THE Horsley family provides ample proof that people of all ages can do their bit to help in the fight against cancer.
Pakenham resident Naomi Horsley has been volunteering and taking part in Relay for Life event’s in Casey for the past seven years.
Now her two children Alex, 5, and Dakoda, 3, are following in her footsteps and doing what they can for the Cranbourne-Narre Relay for Life.
The two children, with the help of their mother, are putting together show bags to be sold at the relay event to raise money for the Cancer Council.
“As cancer is something that has touched our family very closely, we feel very compelled to raise funds through the Relay for Life,” Ms Horsley said.
“My dad has had cancer several times and is a survivor, we recently lost an aunty this year to cancer plus a close friend of my mum’s is fighting stomach cancer at the moment.
“This year my beautiful children have decided that they want to make show bags to sell at the Cranbourne event to help people with cancer.
“My children were very close to our aunty who passed and they have also grown up around relay events and they know mummy works very hard for relay every year, so it was Alex’s idea to make show bags to sell to help raise money. Kody just copies what Alex does.”
Ms Horsley said she was super proud of her children.
“That’s why I’m supporting them and encouraging them, as I truly believe it’s important that they understand the value of helping others and volunteering,” she said.
Ms Horsley said they had since been seeking donations to make up 10 good quality show bags to be sold on the day.
She said they had already secured vouchers, lollies, children’s theatre tickets, T-shirts, games and tattoos, but were hoping to get more.
If businesses are interested in donating, contact Ms Horsley on 0404 898 418 or email naistar@hotmail.com.