A CRANBOURNE couple are calling for community support so their beloved dog can walk his way into a long and happy future.
Shaunee Baker and Delon Serpanchy’s malamute husky Max has been diagnosed with advanced hip displacement and severe arthritis.
Ms Baker said soon Max, 7, would lose all movement in his back end, and possibly have to be put down, unless he gets both hips replaced.
The surgery and rehabilitation cost about $15,000, so Ms Baker has called on community support to try and get Max the help he needs.
Ms Baker said they could only afford about half the money required, but weren’t ready to give up on trying to raise the remaining funds.
“People might think Max is just a dog and why spend all that money,” she said.
“People in our society don’t go without needed surgery, although our public health system may not be the best in terms of waiting lists, people get what they need.
“Max isn’t just a dog, he is what makes us a family.
“He is like our child and we couldn’t imagine our lives without him.
“Max was raised by Delon and their bond is unbreakable, however I get the feeling Max loves me just as much.
“Some people might laugh, but when you have a connection with your pet the way we do you would do anything for them.”
Ms Baker urged the community to donate what they could to try and help get Max the surgery he needs.
“We could afford one hip replacement, but can’t do it all on our own,” she said.
“We currently do physio with him and hydrotherapy and that is similar to human costs, so that is another expense we are facing.
“We only want to get even half way there and we will do the rest.”
To donate towards Max’s hip replacement visit www.gofundme.com/48e8vk.