Choir of celebration

Anne and Edgar Spencer sang What a Wonderful World at the Casey U3A Singers Anniversary concert.


IT WAS music to the ears of many when the Casey U3A Choir celebrated its 10-year anniversary last Thursday.
The 10th anniversary concert, held at Fiddlers Green in Berwick, was an opportunity for many to reflect on their time in the choir through song and celebration, a journey which first began in 2003.
Casey U3A secretary Max Bennett said there were several memorable moments in last week’s concert that stood out.
“We had a beautiful cake for it and a lovely supper following the event.
“I think 10 years is worthwhile celebrating!” he said.
“One of my favourite songs was the choir’s rendition of The Rose.
“I also liked the vocal quartet’s version of G’day G’day and the duet of What a Wonderful World.”
The first U3A choir class involved 20 interested singers overseen by the group’s original conductor Horrie Walpole and accompanist Alison Walpole.
Barry Richardson and now Vic Clement, the current conductor, have also enjoyed leading the choir and creating an enjoyable social atmosphere as well as a beautiful sound.
“The current choirmaster, Vic Clement, has been with the group for three to four years, he’s very good at what he does and the choir are right behind him,” Mr Bennett said.
“They do 12 to 13 concerts a year, roughly one a month, so they’re very active and they have a great reputation.”
Foundation members from the choir’s first concert still active in the choir include Alison Walpole, Aileen Wegener, Kaye Rubins and Neville Fernandez.
Recently retired secretary Judith Van Velsen and continuing music librarian Aileen Wegener were also thanked on the night.