COMMUNITY consultation for the future of the Casey’s coastal villages will soon come to a close.
The final session for Casey’s Coastal Villages will be held at Cannons Creek on Saturday 24 August, following previous consultations in Tooradin and Blind Bight.
These sessions focused on the future and direction of these areas.
Casey mayor Amanda Stapledon said the council hugely valued the input of the community during these sessions.
“We appreciate residents taking the time to participate in the consultation sessions and giving their opinions on issues that matter to them,” she said.
Balla Balla Ward’s Councillor Geoff Ablett said the sessions have helped council to grasp an understanding of what the residents of these villages would like to see in the future.
“I invite you to drop in any time during the two hours and have your say,” he said.
The final information session will cover tourism opportunities, bushfire management, the Ramsar Wetlands, insect and pest management, climate change, sewer and drainage capacity in the region and council policies affecting the coastal area.
Feedback from the sessions will assist the City of Casey and the Shire of Cardinia to prepare a management plan for the Western Port Green Wedge.
Saturday’s session will be from 11am until 1pm at Cannons Creek Community Place, Cannons Creek Road.