Kids step up

From left are; Andrew Rochford, Director of Murdoch Children’s Professor Kathryn North, Sarah Murdoch and Stephanie Rice showing off their slap-on pedometers in preparation for the national Step-a-thon.


KIDS across Australia are being encouraged to ‘step up’ in support of child health later this year, including those from Berwick Lodge Primary School.
Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, along with Ambassadors Sarah Murdoch, Stephanie Rice and Dr Andrew Rochford are calling on primary school students throughout the country to get involved with the event, with 50 schools already signed up.
Ms Murdoch said the Step-a-thon is a fun and healthy way for kids to help each other keep active while raising money for research.
“It is heart-breaking to see a child suffering from a life-threatening illness and every day there are families who face this with their own children,” she said.
“Within our community we can help make a difference by raising funds for our dedicated and highly skilled research teams to improve the health and well-being of children.”
Step-a-thon for Kids runs from 2-8 September but children are encouraged to register before August to receive a portable pedometer in time for the event.
The first 25,000 kids to register for the campaign will receive a free slap on pedometer to make counting their steps fun and easy.
For more information and to register, visit