RESIDENTS have pleaded for a bus route to service the ‘isolated’ Cascades on Clyde estate.
After calls for numerous residents about the issue, the City of Casey will write to Public Transport Victoria (PTV) seeking information relating to the provision of bus transport to and from the Cascades on Clyde estate.
Resident Lisa Schreurs said it was desperately needed.
“It’s needed because of the huge growth in the Cranbourne East area, which is one of the fastest growing suburbs in Victoria,” he said.
“Not being able to get into Cranbourne and to other surrounding suburbs, it does isolate people.
“We really want to have that sense of community and not feel shut off from the rest of Casey.”
Ms Schreurs said the rising cost of living also gave more reason for the need for a bus service.
“Not everyone can afford a second car with the cost of petrol, insurance and rego,” she said.
“A lot of the new residents are young couples and a lot of single car families.
“Without public transport, it really adds pressure to these families.
“A bus would also help with the traffic congestion in the area.”
Ms Schreurs said more needed to be done in the earlier stages of the development of new estates to ensure this doesn’t happen.
“Estates are popping up like mushrooms, but the public transport is not keeping up with it,” she said.
“These sort of things need to be taken into consideration as soon as residents start moving in.”
City of Casey Mayor Amanda Stapledon said she has been pushing for a bus service for not only Cascades on Clyde, but other new estates in the Cranbourne East and Clyde North area.
“Families are experience hardship as there’s no public transport for this estate,” she said.
“It’s already quite an isolated estate.
“It would be great to see a bus service covering these new estates.”
PTV did not respond to the News’ inquiry before going to print.