STUDENTS and teachers at Alkira Secondary College have had an important lesson on a tragic historical event in recent months.
Two teachers, Nicole Scott and Kristine Wolfe, visited Israel earlier this year to study at Yad Vashem -the International School for Holocaust Studies.
The co-ordinator of that international seminar, Nurit Davidson, then visited Alkira on Tuesday 7 May to run workshops with both staff and students and offered her expertise about the Holocaust.
Yad Vashem annualy holds a seminar workshop for teachers who have the potential to become leaders in Holocaust education in Australia.
“It also aims to educate students about protecting basic human values and that their voice is a very powerful tool to help minimise injustice and inequality in our society,” she said.
“It is an intensive interactive program that has lectures, group discussion, films, and survivor testimony and field excursions.
“This program highlights the importance of remembering the past and acknowledging a very tragic event in our history – The Holocaust
“Importantly, we engaged in the pedagogy of how and why to teach Holocaust studies.
“Upon returning from Israel, we have run workshops for other staff at the college, refined current curriculum and are writing new curriculum to support our students.”