A PROGRAM aimed at helping Casey residents with a mental illness lead fulfilling lives has received a funding boost.
WISE Employment Cranbourne has received $1.4 million over three years under the Australian Government’s Personal Helpers and Mentors Program (PHaMs), which supports people whose lives are severely affected by mental health problems.
The program focuses on strengths and what people with mental illness can do, rather than what they can’t do.
People who join the program will work with their own ‘personal helper and mentor’ who will support them on their recovery including working with them to learn how to better manage everyday tasks, accessing appropriate clinical support and working with you to get involved in the community including possibly employment.
WISE Employment chief executive John Bateup said the new PhaMs contract would enable WISE Employment to provide intensive, flexible and holistic support and improve the quality of life for people in the Casey region who have a severe mental illness.
“WISE Employment is pleased to be awarded this new PHaMs contract as it will enable us to empower more people who have severe mental illness by enriching their lives, facilitating recovery and well-being, providing training and ultimately, gaining meaningful employment,” he said.
Holt MP Anthony Byrne visited the Cranbourne organisation last week to make the announcement.
“Through the funding, the Federal Government is providing new PHaMs employment workers in Holt because we understand how important it is to help people with severe mental illness build their capacity to find and keep a job and stay connected with their community,” he said.
“We know that finding and keeping a job is one of the best ways for people to stay connected.”
“The government is delivering practical assistance to people with mental illness to help them achieve their personal goals, participate more fully in their community and in work, develop better relationships with family and friends, and manage their everyday tasks.”
For more information visit www.wiseemployment.com.au/en/community/phams.