Patients approve


CASEY’s two hospitals have been given the tick of approval when it comes to patient satisfaction.
Last week the State Government released the Victorian Patient Satisfaction Monitor Annual Report for July 2011 to June 2012 – a survey in patient satisfaction in Victorian hospitals.
Cranbourne Integrated Care Centre was given a score of 81.3 out of 100 and Casey Hospital scored 79.5.
Hospitals 61 to 80 were touted as fair to good and those who scored 80 out of 100 were very good to excellent.
The highest scoring hospital was Yea and District Memorial Hospital which was given a 90.9 out of 100.
Minister for Health David Davis said for the second year running, Victorian public hospitals had recorded significant increases in patient satisfaction.
“These results, direct from patients, are testament to our dedicated doctors, nurses and other hospital staff who can be truly proud of the difference they make to the lives of Victorian patients each and every day,” he said.
Mr Davis said that for the first time, input from patients visiting emergency departments had been included in the monitor.
“The feedback assists our hospitals to provide even better care by learning directly from patients on how to improve service quality,” he said.
“Based on the survey, the areas with the highest level of satisfaction were the courtesy of nurses and doctors, being treated with respect, personal safety and helpfulness of staff.
“Areas for improvement included quality of food, storage facilities, waiting room comfort, explanation of hospital procedures and restfulness of the hospital.”
Mr Davis said input from 4580 visitors to emergency departments found that most were satisfied with the level of privacy, care and safety.
Waiting for treatment and comfort and a lack of facilities were areas needing improvement, according to the survey.