HUNDREDS of sheep and cattle were saved from a large blaze at a Cranbourne abattoir on the weekend.
The CFA was called to a fire in the main building at the Wagstaff abattoir on Thompsons Road about 3.30pm on Saturday.
A quick response from locals and the CFA managed to save about 200 sheep and cattle from the adjoining holding yards, but two sheep died from shock.
Incident controller Peter Lucas said it turned out to be a major response incident.
“We got a call from workers who said they could smell something burning and (see) a little bit of white smoke,” he said.
“When the firies arrived, they opened the door of the building and a huge fire was rolling across the ceiling in front of them.
“The fire developed very quickly.
“Over the course of about 30 minutes, we went from needing five to 20 trucks and 100 fire-fighters.”
The fire was brought under control in just over an hour and half the building was saved.
“We were lucky the locals called it in early,” Mr Lucas said.
“By having so many appliances respond quickly, a good plan in place by the local fire-fighters, and setting up our own water main, we saved nearly half of it.
“We hopefully saved enough so the local business has the best chance of re-opening.
“That’s our priority – to save life and property.”