STUDENTS from Marnebek School got their hands dirty while learning about healthy eating last week.
Two classes of 10-year-olds visited Bunnings Cranbourne on Thursday 14 March to further their learning on the topic of ‘healthy me, healthy you’.
Teacher Michelle Sturzaker said that throughout the term the students had been learning all about health in class – so they planted a vegetable with the Bunning’s team.
“Throughout the term they’ve been looking at the things we need to be healthy including personal hygiene, healthy foods, drinking lots of water, to slip, slop slap and about regular exercise,” she said.
“We approached Bunnings to see if they could run an activity to assist with what the children were learning.
“When we visited, we played a guessing game with seeds to guess what fruit or vegetable they’d turn into.
“They then planted a pea seedling and decorated their terracotta pots.
“Bunnings put it all on for us and even provided us with a healthy fruit snack.
“The kids loved it.”
Ms Sturzaker said the students have been nurturing the plants in class and watched them grow.