Road name revelation

There has been some confusion over whether a Casey road is named Thompsons Road or Thompson Road.

THOMPSON Road or Thompsons Road?
There has been some confusion in the community over the correct name of the road and it seems there’s no simple answer.
Along the length of the road, there is conflicting signs and business names with both versions of the name on them.
Cranbourne North resident Judy Mason contacted the News last week with what she said was a simple questions.
“Where do I live in Cranbourne?” she said.
“In reference to our road, is it Thompsons Road or Thompson Road?
“If you care to travel this very busy road you will find both versions of the name changing several times along the way.
“This is very confusing to most people.”
The News put the question to VicRoads and the answer was not as simple as thought.
VicRoads Metropolitan South East Region regional director Peter Todd said Thompson Road was the declared road name, which extends from Nepean Highway in Carrum to Berwick-Cranbourne Road in Clyde North.
“Along its length, it is known by several other names including Station Street/McLeod Road in Carrum, Thompson Road in Patterson Lakes and Bangholme and Thompsons Road from Carrum Downs, Lyndhurst through to Clyde North or from Frankston-Dandenong Road to Berwick-Cranbourne Road,” he said.