Quick thinking

Devon Meadows Fire Brigade Captain Andrew Swain presents Keaghan Williamson, 5, with a certificate of merit, a CFA Trauma Teddy and showbag on Tuesday for his efforts when his neighbour’s house was burnt down. 95585 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

A DEVON Meadows youngster has been awarded for his quick thinking and bravery in an emergency situation last month.
The Devon Meadows Fire Brigade presented five-year-old Keaghan Williamson with a certificate of merit, a CFA Trauma Teddy and showbag on Tuesday for his efforts when his neighbour’s house was burnt to the ground.
Keaghan heard explosions coming from his elderly neighbour’s house on Thursday 14 February and quickly ran inside and alerted his mother Sharon.
“He alerted me to the noises, so then I went straight to the back of our property and saw our neighbour’s house on fire and called Triple Zero,” Ms Williamson said.
“He received this recognition for quickly alerting me and being brave throughout the whole fire.
“I was dragging a hose to put out some of the fire that jumped to the trees and Keaghan went and turned on the hose for me.
“That fact that he was crying and scared for me but he still stopped and thought to run a turn the hose on for me as very brave.
“He was also very upset as we all originally thought the man was still in the house.
“Keaghan knew the man and his two dogs. The dogs sadly died.
“So he has had a bit of post trauma since, but he has been so brave.”
Ms Williamson said her son was pretty happy with his award.
“He is pretty chuffed about it,” she said.
“We are also very proud of him.”
Devon Meadows Fire Brigade Captain Andrew Swain said the award was to thank Keaghan for his quick thinking and his bravery.
“Without his early intervention, it could have been a lot worse,” he said.
“The earlier the brigade can get there, the less damage to surroundings.
“While the house was completely destroyed, the fire didn’t go beyond that property.
“This was a way to acknowledge him and give him a bit of pep up, to help keep his spirits up after a scary situation.”
Capt Swain reinforced the message for the public to call Triple Zerp as soon as possible – especially in more rural settings like Devon Meadows.
“Keaghan heard something and was switched on enough to let his mum know,” he said.