Gastro cases close pools

POOLS across the City of Casey were shut for 24 hours to superchlorinate after a dramatic increase in gastro cases reported across the state.
The Department of Health recommended that all aquatic facilities throughout Melbourne undergo superchlorination after a reported threefold rise in the number of cases of gastroenteritis (gastro) caused by the cryptosporidium parasite which is found in the faeces of humans, cattle and other animals.
There were 155 cases of cryptosporidiosis reported across Victoria in February, compared with a five-year February average of 53.
The City of Casey Manager of Sport and Leisure Richard Amon said all council-owned pools in the City of Casey were superchlorinated.
“Casey RACE (Cranbourne East) and Pool in the Park (Doveton) underwent superchlorination two weeks ago,” Mr Amon said.
“Superchlorination was undertaken at Casey ARC (Narre Warren) last week. All pools have re-opened to the public.”
Victoria’s Chief Health Officer Dr Rosemary Lester said there was a link between the increase in cases and the recent spate of hot weather which saw large numbers of people seek relief at their local swimming pools.
“The condition is caused by swallowing the parasite, with symptoms including watery diarrhoea, stomach cramps and vomiting,” Dr Lester said.
“The symptoms are generally mild but can cause more serious problems for people whose immune system is already weakened by disease, as well as the elderly and young children.
“Cryptosporidiosis is typically caused by swallowing contaminated water, household contact with a case and contact with farm animals.
“The cryptosporidium parasite cannot be killed by normal levels of chlorination so we are working with swimming pool owners to implement extra measures which will kill the parasite. We also urge people who have had diarrhoea not to go into a swimming pool for at least 14 days after symptoms have ceased.
“In addition, people need to shower with soap before swimming and practice good personal hygiene to prevent passing on gastro to others.”
YMCA spokesperson Brad Kingsbury said that he believed there was no problem with the YMCA-run pools, but they superchlorinated as a precaution.
“It was a pro-active action to superchlorinate as pools can be a source of spreading gastro,” Mr Kingsbuy said.
“To superchlorinate we have to close the pools for 24 hours. We closed Casey RACE on 28 February for 24 hours, as well as Doveton Pool in the Park and Cardinina LiFE. We tried to do this with minimum disruption to local residents.”