A world of hope

World Vision chief executive Tim Costello, pictured with City of Casey mayor Amanda Stapledon, visited the area last month to promote the KIDS HOPE AUS program.

A WORLD Vision program is being promoted in Casey which aims to help give hope to local children.
World Vision chief executive Tim Costello visited the municipality last month to promote the KIDS HOPE AUS program to Casey’s churches and schools.
KIDS HOPE AUS is a mentoring program, which involves local churches and primary schools, that helps children needing additional support and their families.
For one hour each week, a caring adult from a church mentors a child needing additional support at their school including helping with homework, playing games, arts and crafts or just spending time together.
World Vision provides the training and resources for churches to run the program in their partner schools.
Since the program started in Australia in 2004, it been established in 400 schools and 4000 children have been matched with mentors.
KIDS HOPE AUS national manager Marylin Leermakers said they held a Casey breakfast forum last month to encourage the uptake of the program in the area.
“The theme for the breakfast forum was ‘Together we Can make a Difference’ and included addresses from Tim Costello and psychologist Andrew Fuller, as well as a KIDS HOPE presentation,” she said.
“Pastors from local churches were invited to hear about the program and we are following up with those who attended.
“We would encourage churches to be involved by telling them that there are many children who need additional support from a caring adult, and that the KIDS HOPE program is a ‘can-do’ practical way to engage with these children and the school community.”
City of Casey mayor Amanda Stapledon encouraged local churches and primary schools to get involved.
“This is a terrific opportunity for the community to work with schools and connect with children, giving them hope and belief in themselves,” she said.
“It is great to see World Vision’s outstanding initiative, not just giving a hand out but giving a hand up to our children.”
To find out more or to get involved visit www.worldvision.com.au/OurWork/Solutions/KidsHopeAus.