ROSES are red, violets are blue, but could I also have a teddy too?
In 25 years of business, the owner of Hampton Park flowers, Carmel has seen a change in many of the gift buying trends.
She says long-stemmed roses are now the most popular purchase, always accompanied by something.
“Long-stemmed roses would be the best gift – with a teddy or balloon,” she said.
In the lead p to Valentine’s Day, florists throughout the City of Casey enter one of their busiest times of the year.
“We do see a dramatic increase in sales,” the owner of Hampton Park flowers said.
With traditions changing over the years, she said it wasn’t only men buying for the women now.
“Both men and women like to receive flowers on Valentine’s Day,” she said.
In addition to changing trends, the time of year also brings out a sense of character among people.
“People come in with all sorts of interesting requests,” she said.
“Last year, we had an engagement ring, so that was something special.”
This day and age also sees lovers go to extreme measures to impress their partners, many willing to fork out hundreds of dollars to impress their loved ones.