Lions converge on Balla Balla

92697: Back from left, Lions Club of Balla Balla members Graham Elso, Shane Harris, Darryl Sutcliffe, Sharon Bruynen, Casey council Geoff Ablett and, front, Mayor Amanda Stapledon are looking forward to the Lions Club District Convention being held in Casey this year. Picture: DONNA OATES

THE City of Casey is considering sponsoring a convention that will bring together all the local Lions clubs for a weekend of networking and discussions.
The Lions Club of Balla Balla is hosting the annual Lions Club District Convention in October this year and is seeking the council’s support.
The convention will see about 300 members from 66 clubs from across the district including Cranbourne, Berwick, Endeavour Hills and Hampton Park come together at Amstel Golf Club.
Balla Balla Lions Club president Darryl Sutcliffe said it was an annual event hosted by a different club each year.
“This networking event is staged over the last weekend of October, commencing with a formal introduction, flag ceremony and meet-and-greet on the Friday night and concludes with a lunch on Sunday,” he said.
“Formalities include presentations by Lions projects chairmen and special guest speakers, open discussions, Notices of Motion regarding rules and by-laws changes. Lions projects are also showcased at the convention to assist clubs in gaining knowledge of various projects and key contacts.
“It is also a celebration of the standing District Governor’s office and covers off on things such as a deceased Lions memorial service, member awards, and a formal hand-over ceremony of convention to the next year’s nominated club host.
“A formal dinner dance is conducted on the Saturday night.”
Mr Sutcliffe said they were seeking major sponsorship support from City of Casey given the strong partnership support they had provided to their club in the past three years.
“This support will provide City of Casey with the opportunity to showcase our city and council representatives can be actively involved in the weekend’s formalities and dinner dance,” he said.
“Financial support will also ensure our club will be able to offset some of the substantial costs that running this major event will incur, and thus reducing the out-of-pocket expenses paid by Lions members attending.”
At a council meeting last month, councillors resolved to consider sponsoring the event to the amount of $10,000.
Councillor Geoff Ablett said it was a tremendous way to get so many groups together who do so much good in their local communities and beyond.
“It is an honour for the City of Casey to host the convention for the first time in decades,” he said.
“It will have a huge impact on planning to make a real positive difference in so many communities.
“I’m honoured to be a member of the Balla Balla Lions Club and I’ll certainly be attending. “I’m really excited”.
A report on the matter will come back to a council meeting at a later date.