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Casey Community Fundraising Event/Activity of the Year 2012 Award – Fundraiser for Joan, Devon Meadows Primary School

DEVON Meadows’ Joan Graham was usually the one opening her heart and home to those in the community that needed it most.
But when Ms Graham’s house was destroyed by fire in June last year the tables turned when the local community threw their support behind the local stalwart and foster carer.
Devon Meadows Primary School, where Ms Graham sent many of her foster children, hosted a community barbecue to raise much-needed funds to help Ms Graham rebuild her life.
The ‘Fundraiser for Joan’ was organised by a range of people from within the community and local businesses donated sausages and bread and the staff and students from the school donated ingredients and time to make the barbecue a success.
More than $3000 was raised to support Joan and her family and the event gave everyone the chance to show how much they cared for an important member of the community.
School principal Brett Bell said at the time that there was a great community feel at the fundraiser.
“We had both school parents and members from the community attend, maybe 200 people, plus the 250 students from the school.
“It was great to see the community’s generosity continue throughout the week.
“Joan spoke at our final assembly and thanked everyone for their generous support – she was overwhelmed.”
Speaking at the time of the fundraiser, Ms Graham said she couldn’t thank the community enough.
“Thank you is not enough for what some of them are doing,” she said.
“I feel so humbled by it all. I’m usually doing things for other people, so it’s not easy being on the receiving end but I’m so grateful and thankful.”