Hard hats and soft hearts

MOTORCYCLISTS are getting revved up for the Ulysses Club Toy Run from Cranbourne next month to help underprivileged children this Christmas.
The 28th annual event will ride off from the Centro Cranbourne Shopping Centre car park, off High street, on Sunday 9 December.
The ride will leave at 10am with a police escort and meet with the MRA Toy Run at Calder Park.
Organiser Barbara Maggs said all were welcome to join and urged riders to bring along non-perishable food or toys to be distributed to local families in need.
“We start gathering in Cranbourne about 8am,” she said.
“Anyone is invited to join us, the more the merrier.
“Last year we had about 600 riders take part.”
Cranbourne Information and Support Service (CISS) is one of the local support services and charities that benefit from the goods donated as part of the toy run.
Chief executive Leanne Petrides encouraged anyone to come along to see the bikes and the costumes, and while they are there, look for the CISS volunteers with the trailer.
“CISS receives no funding for Christmas extras, yet we receive many requests for additional support over Christmas – especially for toys and food,” she said.
“As a result, CISS is completely reliant on the donations of generous people like those who participate in the Ulysses Toy Run to enable us to offer toys and Christmas food to local families.
“These donations can mean the difference between having a happy Christmas, and having nothing for so many people.
“Any donations of tinned food or new toys for children up to the age of 15, however small, would be most welcome. The toys and food donated on the day go directly to local families in need.”
To find out more call Ms Maggs on 5998 2424.