By Bridget Cook
ELIZABETH Jones has one wish – to do all she can to help raise funds and awareness about the debilitating disease that took her beloved husband’s life.
The Cranbourne resident has organised a fundraising night next month in memory of her husband Eric who lost his battle to Motor Neurone Disease (MND) in 2009.
All funds raised on the night will go towards research, patient help and support through MND Victoria, Canterbury.
Ms Jones’ life was turned upside down when her husband was diagnosed with MND in 2007.
As a cancer survivor and Multiple Sclerosis (MS) sufferer, Ms Jones said she had always been used to her husband caring for her.
“I went through the full treatment for my cancer,” she said.
“My husband was my rock through my treatment. Also with my MS, I’m very weak limbed, so he was a huge help.
“It was a complete role reversal for us when he got sick.
“After seeing what MND does to people, I could have never imagined it in my wildest dreams.
“Within 21 months, he was taken from a normal, working man to completely paralysed.
“He couldn’t speak, we had to communicate through blinking and by the time he passed away, he was losing the ability to breathe and swallow.”
Ms Jones lost her husband on 30 January 2009.
“Once I felt able to cope, I knew I wanted to do all I could to help raise funds and awareness for this horrific disease,” she said.
“It is one insidious thief, which is completely relentless.
“It is becoming more prevalent.”
The event will be held on Saturday 24 March at the Cranbourne Public Hall from 6.30pm.
It will include a mix of trivia, live and silent auctions, raffles, entertainment, dancing and supper.
“We have a night of fun and laughter planned in loving memory of a dear man taken too soon and all who are fighting this incredibly hard battle,” Ms Jones said.
Anyone wishing to make a donation to Ms Jones’s campaign can do so at www.everydayhero.com.au/climb_every_mountain.
Those wishing to attend the event or businesses wanting to donate goods or services for the auctions and raffles can contact Ms Jones on 0439 895 550 or faithandhope55@hotmail.com.