By Bridget Cook
DESPITE living a tough life, Paula Hales still considers herself one of the lucky ones.
The Cranbourne East resident has suffered from renal failure for most of her life and was put on dialysis before her husband donated a kidney about five years back.
It’s her second chance at life that has led her to helping others who may not be so lucky.
Ms Hales is hosting a fundraising event in Cranbourne this month to help raise funds for the Royal Melbourne Hospital dialysis unit.
“I am one of the lucky ones, I really am,” she said.
“So many people are still waiting on dialysis.
“I’ve had friends and people I know pass away waiting for a kidney.”
Ms Hales said she wanted to do all she could to help fund the expensive dialysis in hospitals. “With dialysis, machines are so expensive,” she said.
“Because of this, there’s a real lack of machines available.
“That’s why I want to raise money and have raised money in the past.
“I don’t think the public know how many people go into renal failure and need these machines.”
To raise money, she is hosting a new age expo ‘Whispers from Angels’ on Sunday 12 February at the Cranbourne Public Hall.
The expo will include free medium demonstrations on stage, workshops on mediation, professionals in healing, card reading and reiki and stall with crystals, drums, jewellery and spirit art.
The expo will run from 10am to 4pm and the cost is $10, with children under 10 free.
For details, call Ms Hales on 0432 374 095.