By Bridget Cook
A $2.6 MILLION revamp of the Cranbourne RSL building kicked off this week in a bid to ensure its survival in the future.
The renovations at the club, which included stages one and two of the development, will include a new entry, foyer, offices and reception, new members bar, gaming room and associated amenities.
Dandenong Cranbourne RSL sub-branch general manager Graham Keating said the renovations were needed to ensure the survival of the club.
“The club was getting very old, tired and uneconomical,” he said.
“It has been a long coming, but we are finally underway and the members will be surprised and pleased to see the work finally commenced.
“The renovations will bring the facilities up to modern standards to make it more comfortable for members and visitors.
“It will be great to have better facilities on offer.”
The revamp was made possible after the cash-strapped Cranbourne RSL sub-branch amalgamated with the Dandenong RSL sub-branch in 2009 as Dandenong, wiping Cranbourne’s debt of more than $1 million.
The works will be funded from internal cash reserves following the amalgamation of the two sub-branches.
The renovations, being carried out by Procon Developments and designed by TM Design, are expected to take about six to eight months to complete.
Stages three and four will be attempted at a future date.