By Emma Sun
CADET of the Year awards were presented to dedicated military cadets during the Dandenong/Cranbourne RSL President’s Award function last Sunday.
President Alan Harper presented plaques to army, navy, air force and air league cadets and RSL volunteers before the 80 people present.
The recipients for the sixth annual sub-branch awards were navy cadet able seaman Deanna Easton from Cadets in High Schools (CIHS) in Hampton Park, air force cadet corporal Kevin Harris from 406 Squadron Frankston South, army cadet sergeant Jarryd Redinger from 310 Army Cadet Unit Dandenong and Australian Air League cadets Sergeant Jake Day from the Cranbourne squadron and corporal Robert Shurey from the Berwick squadron.
Two RSL volunteers, Terry Irwin of Cranbourne and Les Hughes of Dandenong, also received awards for their service.
RSL vice-president John Laughton said the awards are a way to recognise cadet units in the area who have assisted the RSL in some way.
“They were invited to select a cadet that has shown enthusiasm and dedication to the cadet unit and has developed leadership skills to support their fellow cadets,” he said.
“The award winners were nominated by their superiors and their names are inscribed onto the perpetual trophy which is displayed at each unit.
“They also receive a personal award and a gift, presented by the president of the sub-branch, Alan Harper.”
Those in attendance included MPs Inga Peulich, Alan Griffin, Jude Perera and Luke Donnellan, Greater Dandenong mayor Roz Blades, Casey mayor Shar Balmes and Casey Councillor Amanda Stapledon.
Cr Stapledon congratulated the cadets on their achievements.
“We are very proud of our cadets and acknowledge how much they do for their units and their and community,” she said.
“Congratulations to these wonderful young people for receiving these very deserving awards.”