By Bridget Cook
CRANBOURNE resident Julie Bendall knows all too well the pain and suffering associated with losing a family member or friend to suicide.
That is why she has restarted her support group in Casey for people bereaved by suicide.
Tragedy struck Ms Bendall’s family in 2000, when her brother Jeffrie Reardon committed suicide.
The tragedy inspired her to complete training into suicide intervention and prevention.
For about eight years, between 2000 and 2008, she ran support groups in the area to help people overcome their grief.
After having a break, she decided to start the group back up again this month at the Life Central building, unit 9/50 Station Street Cranbourne.
“It is a support group for anyone bereaved by suicide,” she said.
“It is a place that we can share our thoughts of anger, frustration, guilt and lots of other emotions that maybe others don’t understand.
“It is a place we can explore ways to manage our grief and find a way to move forward with our lives.”
Ms Bendall said when she started the group in 2000, it helped her overcome her grief.
“After my brother died, it was by sharing my story again and again, which helped me through my grief,” she said.
“It was at the group I met with others who had similar stories and I knew I wasn’t alone and I think that was the biggest thing that helped me.
“We all support each other, celebrate anniversaries, cry together and laugh together.”
Earlier this year, Ms Bendall spent 15-days walking from Adelaide to Cranbourne to raise awareness and money for suicide and depression.
Battling to continue to assist people and train others due to the cost and stigma, Ms Bendall did the walk to raise the funds so she could start up the support group again and train people to better deal with those at risk of suicide and depression.
Ms Bendall raised $5750 on her journey.
The support group meets every first and third Tuesday of each month between 7 and 8.30pm.
For more information call Ms Bendall on 0400 667 311.