By Bridget Cook
THE Rotary Club of Cranbourne celebrated the past year with Andrew Pinxt as president and looked to the year ahead under newly-elected president Paul Rice at the club annual changeover dinner.
About 100 Rotarians, and their families and friends, attended the 44th annual changeover night held at Settlers Run Golf and Country Club on Friday night.
Immediate past president Mr Pinxt reflected on the past year and his time as president.
He said the club had achieved many great ventures including a number of generous donations, held successful events including Carols by Candlelight, the World’s Longest Lunch and the club’s golf day.
Mr Pinxt said the highlight of his year was the trip to Tonga, were some members helped fix a roof of a community hall and church.
“I would like to thank my board members, and you the members of our club, for your hard work this past year,” he said. “I hope I wasn’t too demanding.
“Last but not least my family, especially Patsy for supporting me in every way.”
New president Mr Rice said he felt privileged to have been given the opportunity to lead the club.
Mr Rice said this year he wanted every member to leave their mark on the club.
“Our project this year is to modernise, revitalise and grow an organisation that has been working tirelessly in this community since 1967,” he said.
Mr Rice said his main aim would be to attract more members.
“They key to a healthy club is a healthy membership,” he said.
“This year we hope to make our club more attractive to younger prospective members as well as retaining the members we already have by making some important changes including the introduction of a marketing team, modernising our weekly meeting and new website and Facebook page, interesting speakers every week and exciting, fun, social activities.”
Another highlight of the night was a special presentation made to Kathleen Walker.
Ms Walker was made a Paul Harris Fellow for her devotion over many years to the Royal Children’s Hospital auxiliary.
While the club reflected on the past year’s projects, they also reflected on the lives and service to Rotary of two former members who died recently – Neil Marriot and Keith Burns.
The new committee for 2011/12 are president Paul Rice, vocational service – Tom Schreurs, international service – Ray Doig, treasurer Graham Astfalck, community service – Harry Ziegerink, president-elect Kathy Dunscombe and secretary Tony Hubbard.