By Bridget Cook
THE community is calling on VicRoads to take action at a dangerous intersection in Cranbourne, which is used by members of the RSL every day.
Members of the Dandenong Cranbourne RSL sub-branch say the turn-off to the service road to the Cranbourne RSL from the South Gippsland Highway is an accident waiting to happen.
There is no left-turning lane, so drivers are forced to make the turn from an 80km/h road.
The service road is not only home to the Cranbourne RSL, but also Amberlee Receptions and other businesses.
At the next council meeting, Casey councillor Amanda Stapledon will raise a notice of motion asking for the council to write to VicRoads raising the community’s concerns regarding the operation of the service road entry and consideration of the construction of a left-turn slip lane or other safety improvements.
Casey Council also wrote to VicRoads and Victoria Police in May 2009 about the same concerns, but no action was taken.
“It is hoped that council will agree to write to VicRoads seeking a review of the operation of the service road entry from South Gippsland Highway and any advice as to plans VicRoads may have to improve the safety at this location,” Cr Stapledon said.
“It is also hoped that this will coincide with the re-development of the RSL to ensure safety for people turning into the RSL from the South Gippsland Highway and for the many cars and trucks travelling along South Gippsland Highway at 80km/h.
Cranbourne Dandenong RSL sub-branch senior vice-president Barry Jones said many members of the RSL were concerned.
“A lot of members have told me about their experience coming to the RSL,” he said. “The traffic is going very fast and all of a sudden you have to make a left turn. With the traffic behind you, this can be very difficult. This doesn’t only affect the RSL, but the service road also feeds to factories and businesses. “I have seen many near accidents, myself included.”
Mr Jones said action needed to be taken. “A left-turning lane would be very beneficial to everybody. It’s just getting worse as there’s more traffic.”
VicRoads Metro South East Region acting regional director Patricia Liew said road users’ safety was important to VicRoads and any submission to improve safety across the road network was welcomed.
“VicRoads will work with Casey Council to investigate safety concerns at this location,” she said. “The results of the investigations will determine the need for any safety improvements. In the context of these investigations, a proposal may be considered for future funding.”