By Bridget Cook
A GREAT sense of relief and justice were the emotions felt by a Cranbourne teacher whose twin brother was killed in the September 11 terror attacks, when he heard the news of Osama bin Laden’s death.
St Peter’s College teacher Paul Gyulavary said he was at school when he heard the news of the demise of the key terrorist figure.
“I felt a great sense of relief and a sense of justice,” he said. “Initially I also thought it could spark revenge attacks.”
Mr Gyulavary said he understood why people in the United States celebrated at the news, but he felt rejoicing was inappropriate.
“I wanted to take a measured approach,” he said.
“I didn’t want to celebrate this, it doesn’t undo what happened. “
Mr Gyulavary’s brother Peter was working as an architect in tower two, on level 91.
In the moments after the first tower was hit by a passenger jet, Peter called his wife who told him to get out.
Not knowing what disaster lay ahead, Peter decided to stay in the building – following the instructions from a voiceover announcement to all workers.
Peter’s body was later found about 100 metres south of tower two, after his body was ejected from the collapsing building.
Peter left behind his wife and one child.
Mr Gyulavary said he didn’t believe bin Laden’s death would bring an end to terrorism.
“Symbolically it’s going to make a difference,” he said.
“The morale of al-Qaeda is going to be dented. Their leader is now dead.
“It’s not going to be ever over. The question to follow now is how are they going to respond.”
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Centre.
Mr Gyulavary said he had planned to visit the United States for the anniversary, and take his daughter, who was Peter’s goddaughter.
“At this stage, I’m still thinking about it and whether to go,” he said.
“It’s still very raw, what happened last week. It alters the situation.
“I think in a few weeks I’ll reconfigure everything and see if I still really want to go.
“I really need to consider security and safety. I’m not that concerned, but my wife genuinely is.”
St Peter’s College has planted a pear tree in memory of Mr Gyulavary’s brother, in its memorial garden.
“This is symbolic of re-growth and new life,” he said.
Mr Gyulavary said he no longer thought about the September 11 attacks and had moved on.
“I’ve walked out of the shadows,” he said.
“I’ve risen above the anger and darkness of September 11.
“Peter wouldn’t want me to live my life bitter and twisted, angry and screwed up.”