Flood of compassion

By Bridget Brady
CASEY council has pledged $10,000 to the Queensland and Victorian flood victims, and will hold a benefit concert next month to raise more money.
At its meeting on Tuesday night, councillors unanimously voted to endorse a mayoral concert to be held at the new River Gum Performing Arts Centre in Hampton Park at 7pm on 12 February.
The event will feature some of Casey’s best musical talent.
The council has also committed $5000 each to the Queensland Flood Appeal and the MAV Local Government Emergency Recovery Fund. Casey councillor Wayne Smith said there was much enthusiasm from the volunteers involved in organising the benefit concert, which was done at short notice.
Mayor Shar Balmes said there was a feeling of “absolute dedication to a worthy cause”.
The goodwill continues throughout Casey, with the Cranbourne Turf Club donating all gate receipts from this weekend’s race meet on 23 January to the Queensland flood appeal.
Trio Tabaret has contributed $8000 to the day and donations have been received from Highview Accounting Services, Chandler MacLeod, Wise Employment, Schweppes and Weston Meats, bringing the total raised to $13,000 before the gates have opened.
Those interested in contributing to the day can contact the Cranbourne Turf Club on 5996 1300.