FROGS will be leaping into Cranbourne West Primary School next year.
The turning of the sod for the school’s sustainable frog pond took place last week, after local residential developer Alarah announced it had raised $10,000 – enough to begin construction.
During the next six months, earthworks, plumbing, excavations and pond lining will begin.
In August, Alarah announced a community partnership and promised to use local and industry contacts to raise the $28,000 needed to build the frog pond before matching each donation dollar-for-dollar. This leaves just $4000 to raise.
Without the commitment from Alarah, Cranbourne West Primary School principal Andrew Bergmeier said the project would still be a pipe-dream.
“This year we have focused on sustainability as a key theme in the students’ curriculum, to save energy and resources, to look at and monitor alternative energy sources and to help create a healthy environment in our school,” Mr Bergmeier said.
“Alarah has kindly adopted the idea and will provide most of the funds and infrastructure for us to finally make this pond a reality.”
Wolfdene managing director, Michael Goldthorp, said he was pleased to support the project and looked forward to seeing it take shape.
“I would like to thank all of our sponsors for donating towards such a great project, and we are keen to commence building the pond over the holidays,” Mr Goldthorp said.
Those who have donated include Oliver Hume, Rawdon Hill and Superior Building Group, Watsons and Reece Irrigation.
Those interested in donating towards the frog-pond project can contact Stevie on 9684 8101.