Time for a cats pause

Pearcedale RSPCA senior vet nurse Melissa Wanstall and friend draw attention to the cat desexing special as the Pearcedale RSPCA senior vet nurse Melissa Wanstall and friend draw attention to the cat desexing special as the

By Bridget Brady
THE breeding season for cats has just begun, and now is the time to get them desexed, according to the Pearcedale RSPCA.
Every year the shelter is overrun by kittens, the result of the breeding season from about November to the end of summer. Last year more than 1000 kittens were brought in.
Pearcedale RSPCA senior vet nurse Melissa Wanstall says it is important to get cats desexed now, at the beginning of the season, and that is why the clinic is offering desexing at special prices.
“We certainly get a lot. We fill up to the point where you get more kittens than there is a demand for,” Ms Wanstall said.
“We encourage people to desex their cats at 12 weeks of age before we come into the new season. And some don’t realise a cat that has given birth to kittens can get pregnant again straight away.”
Ms Wanstall said it should be local councils’ responsibility to enforce the need for pet owners to desex their cats. With some exceptions, all cats must be desexed before being registered by the City of Casey.