Best of the bard

By Kara Irving
LYNDHURST secondary college senior students stepped back in time recently to witness the performance of the Shakespearean plays Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet.
The two plays by the Flying Bookworm Theatre Company were performed to a crowd of more than 100 Year 10 and 11 students to help them gain a clearer understanding for their studies.
Live performances of both Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet are organised each year by the college, not only to provide a visual for the novels they are reading in class, but also to provide the opportunity for some light entertainment during assessment periods.
“The performance was magnificent,” said Luke a Year 11 student studying Macbeth. “It’s a great way to help me understand the concepts of the story.”
Classmate Amy agreed: ‘‘It was an exciting and enjoyable play and helped explore the main themes in detail.”