Research finds new lifeblood

CRANBOURNE Inner Wheel members last month raised about $300 for research in to the use of cord blood to treat cancer.
For the past eight years, the club has held its Coin for a Cord day, raising more than $1 million to further research and members sold merchandise at Centro Shopping Centre in Cranbourne on 24 April.
Children and adults with leukaemia can receive transplants of cord blood, which uses stem cells from umbilical cord blood, instead of receiving bone marrow.
Cranbourne Inner Wheel member Kate Luxford said there needed to be more awareness of cord blood treatment.
“We sat in the shopping centre and a lot of parents had no idea about it,” she said.
“The information is just not out there. We need the public to be more aware.”
All Inner Wheel clubs in Australia have adopted cord blood as their national project, Ms Luxford said.