Retirees rally for rate relief

CASEY retirement village residents say they will continue their fight for council rate cuts after a meeting with Hastings MP Neale Burgess this week.
Following a successful rates rally last fortnight at the Balla Balla Centre, the residents say their battle against steep rates is far from over.
Mr Burgess met 14 members of the newly formed Rate Relief Committee at the Aveo Botanic Gardens Retirement Village in Cranbourne on Monday.
Rate Relief Committee chairman Les Smith said Mr Burgess spoke strongly in support of their cause.
“The committee is now totally committed to seeking a fair and just rate,” Mr Smith said.
“Double dipping by Casey Council must stop. They need to look at the way that other informed councils have approached this injustice.”
Mr Burgess said the escalation of rates was a state-wide problem.
Mr Smith said their homes had been unfairly valued because the design on the retirement villages, with numerous units on a hectare, meant the council received a “bonus” during rates collection.
He said retirement village residents paid fees within their villages for many maintenance tasks other people would expect the council to carry out.
Mr Smith said the only service the council provided was to collect rubbish.
“These villages provide a safe and controlled way of life for many elderly people and they need support.”