Youth curfew promoter abused

Cranbourne North resident Steve Beardon says he has been harrassed and abused since proposing a youth curfew for Cranbourne.                                                                              Picture: Meagan Trotter.Cranbourne North resident Steve Beardon says he has been harrassed and abused since proposing a youth curfew for Cranbourne. Picture: Meagan Trotter.

By Alison Noonan
Steve Beardon claims he has received numerous abusive phone calls and says his house and car have been egged almost every weekend since publicising the controversial idea in June.
He said his plan to get young people off the streets after midnight had given him nothing but trouble and was worried the abuse would only get worse.
“I now have to put the car away every night in the garage and I’m sick of answering the phone to abuse or hangups when I answer it,” Mr Beardon said.
“The phone rings late at night and early morning as well.
“Kids abuse me on the phone and tell me my petitions have been taken by them and ripped up.”
Mr Beardon said that while he accepted that he put himself in the firing line by bringing the issue out in public, he would not back down to troublemakers.
“I really don’t need this and I’m sick of it,” he said.
“I accept that I raised the issue and put myself out there, but I did not break any laws in doing so.
“As naive as it seems it would be more appropriate if these kids used legitimate means such as the press to propose why they believe they are entitled to vandalise our neighbourhood instead of sneaking around at night doing damage.”
Mr Beardon said he had been fighting the battle against troublesome youth for years and deserved better than to be harassed for taking a stand.
“I wish the authorities would concede this sort of thing happens when individuals take a stand,” he said.
“You feel powerless with everyone in authority denying there is a problem with juvenile delinquents who obviously think they can do as they please and get away with it. People who work hard deserve better.”