Veterans celebrate day of victory

Holt MP Anthony Byrne, World War II veteran Stan Goldsworthy, Casey Mayor Neil Lucas, Former Cranbourne RSL President and war veteran Ted Allen and Cranbourne RSL President Barry Jones at the VP Day 60th anniversary medallion presentation ceremony. Left: Berwick RSL President Noel Sealy with Cranbourne RSL President Barry Jones. Cranbourne North resident and World War II veteran Kathleen Burgess was honoured to receive a commemorative medallion. Above: Elsie Forsyth, Jim Forsyth, Mavis Richards, Grace Thompson and Ethel Bould enjoyed lunch and catching up with old friends. Above: Cranbourne RSL and Bowls Club member Bill Frost, Mira Frost, Gail Stedwell and Stephen Oregan tuck into a three course meal. Left: Sandra Boote was proud as punch of father John Hocking who received a medallion.Holt MP Anthony Byrne, World War II veteran Stan Goldsworthy, Casey Mayor Neil Lucas, Former Cranbourne RSL President and war veteran Ted Allen and Cranbourne RSL President Barry Jones at the VP Day 60th anniversary medallion presentation ceremony. Left: Berwick RSL President Noel Sealy with Cranbourne RSL President Barry Jones. Cranbourne North resident and World War II veteran Kathleen Burgess was honoured to receive a commemorative medallion. Above: Elsie Forsyth, Jim Forsyth, Mavis Richards, Grace Thompson and Ethel Bould enjoyed lunch and catching up with old friends. Above: Cranbourne RSL and Bowls Club member Bill Frost, Mira Frost, Gail Stedwell and Stephen Oregan tuck into a three course meal. Left: Sandra Boote was proud as punch of father John Hocking who received a medallion.

By Alison Noonan
DANCING in the street and kissing complete strangers on the day Japan surrendered in World War II were just some of the fond memories recalled at the VP Day 60th anniversary celebrations on Monday.
Holt MP Anthony Byrne presented 30 commemorative medallions to war veterans at a special lunch at the Cranbourne RSL to mark the end of the Pacific conflict on 15 August, 1945.
“Today is an important day to honour the recipients who sacrificed so much for our country.
“It is a day filled with emotion a lot of gladness but also sadness.
“Our gratitude can never be strong enough for those with us today and those who we remember for guaranteeing our freedom, liberty and the way of life we all enjoy,” he said.
Guests were touched by a moving Victory in the Pacific presentation by Denny van Maanenberg and the poem Sixty Years written by veteran Stan Goldsworthy.
Cranbourne RSL President Barry Jones congratulated organisers of the day and said the club would definitely host another lunch for those who were unable to attend.
“The day brought back a lot of memories.
“Some of it would have been hard for the Diggers to watch but they really seemed to appreciate it,” he said.
Mr Jones said the club planned to take the Victory in the Pacific presentation to schools to educate children about World War II.
“We get requests from schools to make presentations all the time and this is a more professional way of doing it,” he said.