Students test their limits

Far left: The look on Brooke’s face said it all as she overcame her fears to take a ‘leap of faith’ as part of a mobile adventure motivation program at Cranbourne’s Marnebek School last week.Far left: The look on Brooke’s face said it all as she overcame her fears to take a ‘leap of faith’ as part of a mobile adventure motivation program at Cranbourne’s Marnebek School last week.

By Alison Noonan
TERROR is a word not often associated with fun.
However students at Cranbourne’s Marnebek School enjoyed a lot of laughs as they overcame their fears to participate in the mobile adventure motivation program “Pinnacle of Terror” last week.
Run by Delhuntie Park Youth Centre, the program challenges participants through adventure, team building and character development activities in a fun and friendly environment.
Students were physically and mentally challenged by five adventure activities, including a fivemetre vertical ladder called the “Step of Fear”, a sevenmetre trapeze called the “Leap of Faith”, a high wire, rock climbing and abseiling.
Physical education teacher Dee Lewis said the program was a fantastic opportunity for students to extend their personal limits and challenge fears with a positive attitude.
She said students also learnt how to set and achieve goals, experience pride in their own achievements and those of others, develop in character and experience the importance of teamwork.
“We acknowledge the generous support from Casey Council for providing the opportunity for Marnebek students to be involved in this exciting and unique adventure activity program,” Ms Lewis said.
“The focus of the school has always been the development of skills, attitudes and behaviours that enrich and enhance students’ ability to engage in the adventure of life and become active members and contributors in their community.”