Showcase for art ability

AN ART exhibition by people with a disability is making a special appearance in Casey to coincide with International Day for People with Disability.
Showcase Art Exhibition is a week-long display of paintings, sculptures, jewellery and mosaics created by people with a disability, including those who receive services from the City of Casey or Blairlogie Adult Support Service.
The City of Casey hosted two events to celebrate International Day for People with Disability, which was held on Tuesday, with the aim of promoting a positive image for and showcase the ability, contributions and achievements of people with a disability.
The exhibition also features the stunning Australian landscape oil paintings of local artist Ern Trembath, who was forced to relearn his craft with his non-preferred hand following a debilitating car accident.
City of Casey manager arts and leisure Robyn Bowen said the Showcase was an exciting platform for local residents with a disability to display their artistic abilities.
Showcase Art Exhibition will be open from 10am to 4pm until this Sunday at The Old Cheese Factory, 34 Homestead Road, Berwick.
Entry is free and some art works will be for sale.
In addition to the exhibition, the City of Casey and YMCA will run a free soccer and gymnastics afternoon at the Endeavour Hills Leisure Centre from 12.30pm to 2.30pm on Wednesday, 13 December.
The activities will be open to people of all abilities.
For more information or to register, contact City of Casey disability leisure officer Barbra Sheppard on 9705 5200, TTY 9705 5568 (Telephone Typewriter) or TIS 131 450 (Translating and Interpreting Service).